The GOA was installed in 1996 as a Regular Grand Lodge, as you will see with the breakdown of its history.

In 2003, the Grand Master Llorenç Lluell publicly stated the obsolescence and inappropriateness of continuing to comply with the Old Laws of Universal Regular Freemasonry, especially with regard to the prohibition of women entering the Institution.

This situation caused not many controversies in the Grand Orient of Andorra, and it approved the historical fact that a Grand Lodge left the so-called regularity, and was therefore considered irregular.

So I can say that the Grand Orient of Andorra does not distinguish gender, race or creed, and is a mixed or egalitarian, liberal and adogmatic Obedience.

As masons, we are free people who seek the truth, who work for our intellectual and moral perfection, to be able to influence our immediate environment, and in this way reach society. Tolerance, respect for others, and the most absolute freedom of conscience are part of our character, our motto, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

Freemasonry is an initiatory, progressive, philanthropic, humanistic and discreet philosophical institution, which uses symbols and allegories as means for the personal transformation of its members and to get the best out of each of us, and contribute to the task of making possible the general principles of the Institution.

Thank you in advance for your attention.

      – G.·.M.·. Enric Cassany


We could set a start, and that could be in 1986, when we heard of a group of initiates in different Masonic Obediences trying to group together in the Grand Orient d'Andorra project. But they are few, and the vast majority of them work in the Grand Orient de France. At that time, the Masonic practice for the small group of Andorran Masons was to integrate lodges mostly in France and in some cases in Spain. 

On March 25, 1992, the statutes and application were formally signed in the office of an Andorran lawyer on behalf of the "Gran Orient del Principat d'Andorra" association, headed by Llorenç Lluell, which will be submitted to the Government of Andorra . 

On April 23, 1994, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Occitania (GLNF) arrives in Andorra and establishes a Scottish lodge in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (REAA), neglecting the Freemasons constituted and installed 76 days before them. All the Freemason Brothers of Andorra come from French or Spanish lodges, and all are under Blue flags (York Ritual or Emulation). 

The Respectable Grand Lodge of Occitania took the name "La Triada". This Lodge is "virtual" in the eyes of Andorrans and their laws, since none of its members live in Andorra. In addition, since their arrival they let us know that they do not need the BB.·. Andorran freemasons to undertake their project. Everything suggests that France, as usual in the expansion of the GLNF in front of the Anglo-Saxon or American line, wants to abuse and use a territory it says is free while it is already occupied by regular Masons and recognized as such. Tension rises between lodges and obediences. France claims that it has objectives that support Freemasonry in Andorra, without being Andorran itself. 

Disturbed by this situation, several andorran BB.·. decide to join the Grand Lodge of Spain to maintain the independence of their project, since the majority of Andorran Freemasons belonged or had belonged to the GLNF. To do this, a delegation is created that must meet the Grand Master of the GLE Lluís Salat in Barcelona. This group quickly gathers the support of the Brothers of the GLE and together they decide to consecrate a Blue Lodge in Andorra, made up only of Andorrans or residents of Andorra. 

All this is done to respond to the French Lodges of the territorial aggression committed by the GLNF. Several BB.·. of France and Spain have their signatures and support on this project. Unfortunately, faced with the pressures and threats of suspensions received by the BB.·. on the part of the GM Provincial of Occitania (GLNF), many Freemasons of French jurisdiction (GLNF) withdraw, and no longer want to be applicants. The Andorran BB.·. and residents in the country resist, and decide to appoint, let's say, a double agent to continue maintaining the link with the GLNF and not permanently cut the bridges with it. 

The Andorran BB.·. organize a new group. This group later joins the RL. St. George nº2 of the Grand Lodge of Spain (GLE), and receives the unconditional support of its GM Lluís Salat, as well as Deputy Grand Master Juan Crozet, and Grand Secretary Josep Munté. In addition, they have the informal support of the provincial GM of Septimanie (GLNF), the B.·. André Bassou, and that of some French BB.·. people who have promised to go to Andorra secretly, to help the Freemasons of Andorra.  

Another meeting will be held in Barcelona to select the officers of the Lodge. On October 8th 1994, the RL Montsalvat n° 81, under the auspices of the GLE, is consecrated in Andorra by the college of officers of the Grand Lodge of Spain GLE. El 8 d’octubre de 1994, la RL Montsalvat n° 81, sota els auspicis de la GLE, és consagrada a Andorra pel col·legi d’oficials de la Gran Lògia d’Espanya GLE. 

Unlike the French lodge, all Freemasons in Andorra respond to the call. This is a Blue Lodge, which works the emulation rite, as the GM Lluis Salat of the GLE wishes. Although at the last minute, the York Rite is accepted for the installation of a future lodge.

At this time, the Carlemany project benefits from the sympathy and protection of the following officers: GLE Lluís Salat, Crozet, Munté and Douglas John Gray. No member of GLNF attends this consecration, although all were invited by the BB.·. of Andorra. 

On October 16, 1994, the first initiations and regularizations took place, with six candidates who were held for several months before being initiated. The regularization of BB.·.of other lodges and obediences is also proceeding. 

On November 10, 1994, the BB.·. of Andorra write a newsletter for the GM of the GLNF, with a copy to the GS. It is a text that explains the problems caused by the policy led by the GLPO (GLNF). 

This document deals for the first time with agreements that are reasonably based on the territorial sovereignty of the Principality of Andorra. The Andorran BB.·. still active in French lodges join together to consider a letter of resignation from all memberships in the GLNF. 

The division of the lodge is obvious. The first group demands the resignation of VM Bach Christensen, who does not want to follow the goals initially set. The RL Montsalvat Nº81 is then invaded by all the dissidents of the first project whom the Andorrans still support. This situation widens the gap between the BB.·. of the RL Montsalvat, which benefits the GLNF.  

On February 9th, 1995, Lluell established in Milan the "Unione Masonica Di Stretta Osservanza Iniciatica Grand Orient del Principat Di Andorra." 

On April 29th, 1995, the GLNF (France) established, with the same petitioners as the previous Lodge (the Triada), a second lodge in Andorra. Again, without Andorran masons, and without inviting the members of the GLE (Spain). It is a RL in the Scottish Rectified Rite (RER), called Sant Joan de les Valls Nº927.

 This uses a more Christian ritual, the Scottish Rectified Rite. It is a Masonic rite of Christian essence. The purpose is none other than to attract favors or, at most, the indulgence of the Episcopal Co-Prince. The VM is a young mason of three years, the B.·. Antoni d'Ortadó. Freemasons in Andorra and even Spain are outraged, but Andorra and Andorrans are more divided than ever. 

The GLE, to calm spirits and be able to continue with France its invasion plan of Andorran territory, insists on behalf of Viñals, GMP of Catalonia, to lift the suspension of the suspended brothers. Lluell does not want to believe it and remains cautious in contact with the Americans. 

On February 1st, 1996, MRGM Lluís Salat Gusils died in Barcelona, and his funeral was held in the Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar, which required express authorization from the Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona Ricard Maria Carles. 

He was buried according to the strict Masonic ritual, during the funeral ceremony held in the cathedral of Barcelona with all the Masonic honors due to his rank, and the blessing of the acting bishop. 

On May 9th, 1996, the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of California, represented by Grand Master Charles H. Alexander, authorizes Douglas Lemons, Past Grand Master of California to assist and be their emissary at the Consecration of Grand Orient of Andorra and of its Regular Grand Lodge in the Principality of Monaco. 

Llorenç Lluell has the support of the Grand Orient of Italy and the GL of California (USA), and is appointed by them as Provisional GM of the Grand Lodge of Andorra. For the day of the installation, the Andorran group presents the list of BB.·., all Andorran masons, who will participate in this project. 

Among the documents of the agreement there is also the official document of the MI Government of Andorra for the authorization of the Cultural Association GOA, GLRA, GLA. (Grand Lodge of Andorra). At the end of the meeting, the Andorran group is ready to support Lluell's project. The latter, in return, agrees to resign his position as GM within three months of the installation of the GLA, and thus become PGM to let the Andorran BB.·. choose their GM. 

Everything seems to be finally on the right track and Lluell would remain in charge of the Supreme Grand Council. 

Guirao and Assié must obtain the support of 60% of the Andorran BB.·. so that the project can start strongly and without any misunderstandings. The purpose of this agreement is to achieve Masonic independence. On the other hand, it must be done quickly because the GLNF has already begun preparations to create a District GL and claims that it is the only obedience with decision-making power in the Andorra area. 

Spain at that time had its internal problems and did not seem to remember its Lodge in Andorra, Montsalvat. The political opposition group to the RL Montsalvat Nº81 causes the Lodge to split in two. Guirao, who controls the mallet in Lodge Nº 2, has 16 Andorran Masters M.·.in its ranks, meets twice a month and begins to lose interest in the other part of the lodge or continue to resign to join the second group. 

On June 1st, 1996, the consecration took place in the Principality of Monaco (due to the possible intervention of the Diocese of La Seu with the authorization of the ceremony), of the Grand Orient of Andorra, called by the Brothers of the United States as a Regular Grand Lodge of Andorra and followed by the installation of its Grand Master Llorenç Lluell. 

Later that same day, in a separate ceremony presided over by SGC Fred Kleinknecht Ill (1924-2011) Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction, USA (Supreme Council 33 Southern Jurisdiction, USA (Washington) Mother Council of The World) of the Council Supreme of the 33rd Southern Jurisdiction, USA (Washington), and followed by the PGM of the GL. of California, SGC Douglas Lemons, and the specialist of the Scottish Rite, the representative of the Supreme Grand Council for the North of the United States, Arnold Hermann, and also the grand inspector for Europe, Elvio Sciubba. Likewise, the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is installed for Andorra, naming SGC Llorenç Lluell, in which he is awarded the Legion of Honor of the SC of Washington. 

On November 19th, 1996, Josep Guirao and Llorenç Lluell submitted the application for registration of the Regular Grand Lodge of Andorra, with registration number 87987, to the Andorran Government.  

On November 25th, 1996, the French BB.·. of the GLNF give thanks and also elegantly remove the one who created the first French Lodge in Andorra, the much-loved B.·. Alain Rippol, appointing him Grand Inspector of the GLNF for Andorra (while they secretly prepared at their expense the future GM they had initiated, the B.·. Antoni d'Ortadó).  

On December 14th, 1996, Grand Master Fernando Teixeira of the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal sends an official letter to Llorenç Lluell as Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Andorra GOA, to fully support his recognition. 

From February 15th to 19th, the Regular Grand Lodge of Andorra presents itself to the "Commission on Information for Recognition of the Conference of the Grand Masters of Masons in North America" at its annual meeting held this year in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

On February 19th, 1997, during the Conference of Grand Masters of North America, in Tulsa (Oklahoma, USA), a committee of the Grand Lodge of Andorra recently created in Monaco moved to the USA to take stock of the situation and request the recognition of the GGLL Of the World Recognition Committee. Attending the representatives of Andorra, invited by the GL of California, Llorenç Lluell (GM), and Josep Guirao. 

The Committee is informed that it cannot and must not recognize the origins of patent letters that want to form the Grand Lodge, since they are of different obedience, and this leads to another problem due to Andorran territoriality that these tendencies do not take into account. Neither Spain nor France have taken into account the Andorran BB.·. in their own country, and this causes an uproar in the assembly.

 The debate that followed this intervention concluded with a committee order ordering and encouraging Spain and France to solve the problem of Andorra and especially that of its independence as soon as possible. Shortly after the Committee's decision, once the Lodge is closed, GS Ives Trestournel (GLNF), accompanied by Nat Granstein DGM GLNF, are invited to sit down with the committee members and the Andorran BB.·. representatives to discuss.  

The GLNF has a low profile before the committee, Ives and Nat say they want to take care of their Spanish BB.·. whose are considered guardians, or even bosses, and that GM of the GLE Tomás Sarobe will agree with any decision or order that the GLNF will take or give to resolve the issue. 

That is why the GLNF had promised at this meeting to integrate the "virtual" Lodges created by the province of Occitania (GLNF) in Andorra, as well as the RRLL of Spain into the project of recognition and consecration of the Grand Lodge of Andorra and the installation of its GM in Monaco. 

On March 13th, 1997 in Madrid, an agreement was signed recognizing the Grand Orient of Andorra-Regular Grand Lodge of Andorra, with the Grand Orient of Italy. On behalf of the GOI, it is signed by Franco Rasi, Grand Second Warden of the Grand Orient of Italy, and Paolo Bronzo as President of the Grand Commission of Recognition of the Grand Orient of Italy on behalf of the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, Virgili Gaito, and Llorenç Lluell as Grand Master of the GOA-GLRA, and Francisco G. as Grand First Warden of the GOA-GLRA.

All this in the presence and testimony of Antonio Morón Castellot, Sovereign Grand Commander of the 33rd degree Supreme Council for Spain. It includes an agreement regulating the activities of the Grand Orient of Andorra in Italy. 

On March 27th, 1997, the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF) sends a letter of invitation to Llorenç Lluell for a meeting in Paris, in accordance with what is recommended by the "Commission on Information for Recognition of Conference of the Grand Masters of Masons in North America”. And he says literally: "Dear Worshipful Brother Llorenç Lluell, after the Assembly of Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries of North America in Tulsa and because of the informal mission entrusted to us, we are on the lookout to help regularize the situation of your Lodges in Andorra and to prepare the future according to a path in accordance with habits and customs, in order to validly establish the regular Masonic family in their Country. 

Therefore, we ask you, if you wish, to contact us so that we can organize a working meeting to construct the method and means of an acceptable development with the French and Spanish partners. construir el mètode i els mitjans d’un desenvolupament acceptable amb els socis francesos i espanyols. 

You can contact Ms. Imbert and I propose the dates listed below: -Between April 14th and 17th - between April 21st and 23d - between May 5th and 7th. Please accept, Worshipful Brother, the expression of my most fraternal feelings." 

On April 21st, 1997, a meeting was held in Paris with the Grand Secretary of the GOA-GLRA Josep Guirao, accompanied by F. G, in which it was proposed that the GOA-GLRA become a District Grand Lodge of Andorra, accepting Llorenç Lluell as Grand Master. 

On April 23rd, 1997, Llorenç Lluell rejected the GOA-GLRA as a district of the GLNF, citing the imposition by the GLNF of French officers and the obligation to renounce the historic facility by the Supreme Council of the USA, and of the Grand Lodge of California. 

On June 10th, 1997, the same day that the Government of Andorra certifies the renewal with a copy of application number 69569 of the constitution of the Association Gran Lògia d'Andorra, Mr. Josep Guirao Bailen is appointed secretary of this association. 

On December 12, 1997, Josep Guirao, Bernard Assié and Thierry H.·. send a letter to Yves Trestournel Grand Secretary of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF) indicating and complaining about Llorenç Lluell's support and recognition of the Spanish Federal Grand Lodge, indicating that they separate him from the agreement with France and Josep Guirao also authorizes himself, together with the signatories, to be a petitioner to reunite the Andorran masons with the GLNF and GLE and to cut off all relations with Italy and the USA. On the same date, they sign the request for a new lodge for Andorra in the GLNF, with the name Carlemany. 

On December 12, 1997, the DPGM of the GLNF through Nat Granstein reaches an agreement with the Andorran BB.·. to create this first R.·.L.·., a French lodge that will initially depend directly on Paris and not on the province of Occitania. The pressure problems of the province on the R.·.L.· are thus eliminated. of the country and all the BB.·. of Andorra can be integrated into this project, including those left adrift by the Provincial R.·.L.·. of Catalonia and its G.·.M.·. Manel Mir in the R.·.L.·. Montsalvat Nº81 (GLE). 

The College of Officers is organized and directed by Josep Guirao, Thierry H.·. and Bernard Assié. Its aim is to recover all the Freemasons who would be anxious to apply for the installation of this R.·.L.·. federation in Andorra. All this in the regularity, since it was installed by France, but with the assurance of a future independence demanded by the Supreme Council of the United States that sponsors and brings everything together, through Llorenç Lluell. 

The latter signs several agreements with the Supreme Council for Spain chaired by Antonio Morón and the Supreme Council for Italy with Elvio Sciuba. It must be said, however, that it faces the opposition of some Andorran BB.·. led by Josep Guirao who think that things are going too fast and that they cannot talk about a Supreme Council without first having a Grand Lodge recognized by France and Spain. With the aim of avoiding possible misunderstandings, they decide to put the new project of the Spanish Federal Lodge in a safe place. 

In the project, only the BB.·. applicants may appear. Those who do not come from regular Lodges cannot for the time being be regularized there. Therefore, they request that the new Charter be signed by only 15 Andorran BB.·., all MM installed by the GLE or the GLNF. 

On January 15th, 1998, the Grand Secretary of the GLNF sent a letter to Josep Guirao accepting the Consecration of the Carlemany Lodge in accordance with the request made at the time by the Commission for the Recognition of the Grand Masters of North America. 

On January 26th, 1998, the meeting in Paris of the Grand Secretary of the GLNF with Guirao is accepted. It takes place on February 4th, 1998. 

On this date, all Andorrans are settled in Paris in the R.·.L.·. 1117 under the name of Carlemany, Josep Guirao as VM and Bernard Assié as PV. On the same day, the statutes are presented to Paris for approval, followed by the delivery of the official documents (Charter, Constitutions, regulations and patent letters). 

On February 6th, 1998, the Occitan Provincial GM (GLNF) sends a letter to several BB.·. of Andorra, warning them that he is aware of the creation of the R.·.L.·. Carlemany Since then he seems a little more open to dialogue, as if the petitioners suddenly radiate an invisible power... 

On February 9, 1998, an extraordinary Lodge meeting is requested (October 2, 1998). Authorization is obtained immediately with a phone call from Paris. 

On February 10, 1998, the Lodge voted on the first three initiations in Andorra. Until now, lay people who have been waiting for more than a year. The first three candidates submitted their criminal record certificates, birth certificates and all the required documents to carry out this ceremony. 

On 12 February 1998, the request for permission was made again for a further extraordinary hearing on 16 February and authorization was also obtained by telephone from Paris. On February 16, 1998, three more initiations took place. 

On February 23th, 1998, the provincial GM of Occitanie (GLNF) Gérard Ramond, who seemed to have accepted the GLNF draft, sent a letter to all RRLL in his province. He requested the refusal of admission to all the masonic workshops under his jurisdiction, of the BB.·. Josep Guirao and Bernard Assié, treating them as intruders. Why this change of mind, why this assertion? 

February 24th, 1998: The GLNF was forced to make a statement to the World Assembly of Grand Masters of North America, Pennsylvania (United States) regarding the issue of Andorra. After reading the report the conclusion is reached that the situation is progressing satisfactorily, while waiting for the final date of reinstallation of the GLA (Not forgetting the first installation). 

No B.·. of the R.·.L.·. Carlemany 1117 understands such a change with Ramond in Carlemany's project. This attracts attention and puts everyone on guard. 

On March 10, 1998. another request is made for an extraordinary meeting in reference to the R.·.L.·. Carlemany 1117, and this must be celebrated on March 16. The GLNF confirms its agreement by telephone as usual. 

But the meeting of the B.·. Assié and the B.·. Rippol raised several points of disagreement with the GLNF's way of doing things. Several BB.·. of Andorra do not find it normal that all conversations with the GLNF are only by phone and never in writing. Disturbed by this finding and the obvious lack of evidence of our work and our impeccable conduct, it is feared that some betrayals are hovering over the Andorran horizon. 

It remembers the situation in Andorra, the analysis that was made in the middle room about the health of each Lodge. The conclusion is that the R.·.L.·. Montsalvat N°81 (GLE) has only three brothers, and that in the Lodge of the Triada 839 (GLNF) there are only five residents and none is Andorran. For Saint Jean des Vallées Nº927 (GLNF), the overall balance is even worse since it is the same MM who work in the “Triada” who open the works, when they can, being most of the time five BB.·. of which three resident apprentices. 

It is impossible to imagine that France could count on this workforce to create a District GL. The three lodges should dream or appeal to the Andorran lodges so that the Carlemany Nº1117 project (GLNF) can finally see the light. 

On April 16, 1998,the RL Carlemany no. 1117 requests a repeal in accordance with the constitutions of the GLNF for a meeting in the Lodge Council.

On April 23rd, 1998, Antoni d'Ortadó accepted the French way in front of all his BB.·., cause of the GLNF in Andorra for more than five long years. This young mason will become, with the blessing of the negotiating Grand Officers of the GLNF, a District Grand Master and the future GM of the GLA. The agenda is delivered personally to the B.·. Secretary of the RL Carlemany for not leaving useless evidence of this profane movement. The Consecration of the GL District of Andorra by the GLP of Occitania (GLNF) and the GLP of Catalonia (GLE) is scheduled for two days later (April 25th). 

The Grand Master of the District will therefore be d’Ortadó and the R.·.L.·. Carlemany Lodge 1117, the only Andorran one, was not taken into account. The GLNF decided to continue its violation of territorial sovereignty, and found an Andorran of good will, to lead a National GL. 

Andorra is a country and a state of law with its Constitution since 1993 and very strict since then. The law allows associations to meet, but under the highly regulated supervision of the government's association law. This meeting does not respect any of the governmental and Masonic rules. 

On April 25th, 1998, despite the absence of Andorra, the provinces of Occitanie (GLNF) and Catalonia (GLE), the Grand Lodge of the District of Andorra was established and installed by the "Grande Loge Nationale Française". At the same event, without the invitation or assistance of Llorenç Lluell or Josep Guirao, MRG Antoni d'Ortadó was installed as Grand Master of the District of Andorra by the GLNF. 

On April 27th, 1998, after obtaining the corresponding approval from the GLNF, RL Carlemany remained outside the district.  

The Grand Master Claude Charbonniaud of the French National Grand Lodge together with his Grand Secretary Yves Trestournel sign the Decree no. 894 of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF) dated September 5th, 2000, by which they give a Patent Letter to the Grand Lodge of Andorra, appointing MRGM Antoni d'Ortadó as its Grand Master. 

The association UME, European Masonic Union, is established in Andorra. The founding members of it are the BB.·. Bernard Assié and Llorenç Lluell, helped and supported by other BB.·. and Obediences at the International level. The first meetings to set up the UME and to draft the statutes took place at the beginning of 2000. 

In 2003, the Grand Master Llorenç Lluell publicly stated the obsolescence and inappropriateness of continuing to comply with the Old Laws of Universal Regular Freemasonry, especially with regard to the prohibition of women entering the Institution. 

This situation caused not many controversies within the Grand Orient of Andorra, and it approved the historical fact that a Grand Lodge left the so-called regularity, and was therefore considered irregular, with which it was established in its Constitution as mixed or egalitarian, liberal and adogmatic Obedience.   

On June 2nd, 2004, an academic and scientific collaboration agreement was signed between the Board of Trustees of the Arús Library (BPA) in Barcelona, represented by Josep Brunet, and the Gran Orient d'Andorra. 

On October 23rd and 24th, the V Mediterranean Masonic Conference is held in Tarragona (Spain), organized by the Spanish Symbolic Grand Lodge (GLSE/GOEU). The fundamental theme of the Conference is "Masonry and Mediterranean Culture". The Grand Orient of Andorra participates as a guest observer with Lluell as Grand Master. 

On February 15th, 2007, a treaty of friendship was signed between the Gran Orient of Catalonia and the Gran Orient of Andorra, with a great peculiarity: "dual membership". 

On August 24th, 2013 at 5 p.m., the Grand Chancellor of the Grand Orient of Andorra MRG Albert Imaz, during his visit to Mexico, and in a solemn event in the Grand Hall of the Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico, in the presence of his Grand Master Jorge Avilés and three Municipal Presidents and other Masonic authorities in the Presidium, and with a short speech the Grand Chancellor for Foreign Relations and Diplomacy presents Andorran Freemasonry. 

The Grand Orient of Andorra participates as a guest, between the 3rd, 4th and 5th of April 2014 in Tehuacan de les Granadas, Pobla, Mexico, in the First International Lay International Day and the Second International Juarist Day. Presided over by the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Council of Mexico of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the 33rd Degree, Lic. Manuel Jiménez Guzmán, and with the aim of "reflecting" on the situation of world society, and the way it should be paid to promote the development of the participating countries. 

To give political emphasis to Laica Internacional, they thanked with a message the President of the Republic Enrique Peña Nieto for his solidarity towards the event and in an act of respect and singular affection, they brought to the Governor's House Dr. Rafael Moreno Valle receives a recognition, which praises him as a democrat who has worked for Puebla in all social plans. The General Secretary of the Government, Luis Maldonado Venegas, was the one who inaugurated the activities of Laica Internacional and asked for tolerance towards other religious groups "so that everyone can exercise with freedom and respect the ideology that suits them best".

 Among the scheduled actions, a conference on secularism given by the ex-rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Juan Ramón de la Fuente, stands out, as well as the presentation of a plaque as a tribute to the former president of the country, Benito Juarez. Albert Imaz spoke at the same event: representing the Grand Orient of Andorra. 

On June 22, 2016, the independence of the Regular Grand Lodge of Andorra from the Grand Orient of Andorra was ratified, with the appointment as Grand Master of Llorenç Lluell. 

On June 23, 2016, he was appointed by the Assembly of the Grand Orient of Andorra MRGM Bernard Assié as the new Grand Master, and "symbolically" ratified by the Past Grand Master Llorenç Lluell. The installation as the new top leader of the GOA took place on September 10th, 2016. 

On April 30th, 2022, the raising of columns of the RL La Unió Perfecta nº36 will take place in the Orient of Andorra la Vella, an inter-Obedencial GOC-GOA lodge. Worshipful S.·. of the GOC Joëlle E.·. has been elected for the position of VM. 

On June 18th, 2022, the ceremony will take place in which MRGM Enric Cassany will be installed as the new Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Andorra (GOA).  
